774 research outputs found

    Analytic model for galaxy and dark matter clustering

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    We investigate an analytic model to compute nonlinear power spectrum of dark matter, galaxies and their cross-correlation. The model is based on Press-Schechter halos, which cluster and have realistic dark matter profiles. The total power spectrum is a sum of two contributions, one from correlations betwen the halos and one from correlations within the same halo. We show that such a model can give dark matter power spectra which match well with the results of N-body simulations, provided that concentration parameter decreases with the halo mass. Galaxy power spectrum differs from dark matter power spectrum because pair weighted number of galaxies increases less rapidly than the halo mass, as predicted by theoretical models and observed in clusters. In this case the resulting power spectrum becomes a power law with the slope closed to the observed. Such a model also predicts a later onset of nonlinear clustering compared to the dark matter, which is needed to reconcile the CDM models with the data. Generic prediction of this model is that bias is scale dependent and nonmonotonic. For red or elliptical galaxies bias in power spectrum may be scale dependent even on very large scales. Our predictions for galaxy-dark matter correlations, which can be observed through the galaxy-galaxy lensing, show that these cannot be interpreted simply as an average halo profile of a typical galaxy, because different halo masses dominate at different scales and because larger halos host more than one galaxy. We discuss the prospects of using cross-correlations in combination with galaxy clustering to determine the dark matter power spectrum (ABRIDGED).Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Polarization of the Microwave Background in Defect Models

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    We compute the polarization power spectra for global strings, monopoles, textures and nontopological textures, and compare them to inflationary models. We find that topological defect models predict a significant (1 microK) contribution to magnetic type polarization on degree angular scales, which is produced by the large vector component of the defect source. We also investigate the effect of decoherence on polarization. It leads to a smoothing of acoustic oscillations both in temperature and polarization power spectra and strongly suppresses the cross-correlation between temperature and polarization relative to inflationary models. Presence or absence of magnetic polarization or cross-correlation would be a strong discriminator between the two theories of structure formation and will be testable with the next generation of CMB satellites.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX fil

    Lensing effect on polarization in microwave background: extracting convergence power spectrum

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    Matter inhomogeneities along the line of sight deflect the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons originating at the last scattering surface at redshift z1100z \sim 1100. These distortions modify the pattern of CMB polarization. We identify specific combinations of Stokes QQ and UU parameters that correspond to spin 0,±2\pm 2 variables and can be used to reconstruct the projected matter density. We compute the expected signal to noise as a function of detector sensitivity and angular resolution. With Planck satellite the detection would be at a few σ\sigma level. Several times better detector sensitivity would be needed to measure the projected dark matter power spectrum over a wider range of scales, which could provide an independent confirmation of the projected matter power spectrum as measured from other methods.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Lensing of the CMB: Non Gaussian aspects

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    We study the generation of CMB anisotropies by gravitational lensing on small angular scales. We show these fluctuations are not Gaussian. We prove that the power spectrum of the tail of the CMB anisotropies on small angular scales directly gives the power spectrum of the deflection angle. We show that the generated power on small scales is correlated with the large scale gradient. The cross correlation between large scale gradient and small scale power can be used to test the hypothesis that the extra power is indeed generated by lensing. We compute the three and four point function of the temperature in the small angle limit. We relate the non-Gaussian aspects presented in this paper as well as those in our previous studies of the lensing effects on large scales to the three and four point functions. We interpret the statistics proposed in terms of different configurations of the four point function and show how they relate to the statistic that maximizes the S/N.Comment: Changes to match accepted version in PRD, 20 pages 10 figures. Better resolution images of the figures can be found at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~matiasz/RESEARCH/cmblensing.htm

    Probing for Dynamics of Dark-Energy in Mass Varying Neutrinos: Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and Large Scale Structure

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    We present cosmological perturbation theory in neutrino probe interacting dark-energy models, and calculate cosmic microwave background anisotropies and matter power spectrum. In these models, the evolution of the mass of neutrinos is determined by the quintessence scalar field, which is responsible for the cosmic acceleration today. We consider several types of scalar field potentials and put constraints on the coupling parameter between neutrinos and dark energy. Assuming the flatness of the universe, the constraint we can derive from the current observation is mν<0.87eV\sum m_{\nu} < 0.87 eV at the 95 % confidence level for the sum over three species of neutrinos.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Present in conferences COSPA-2006, NEPSE-2007 and Yong-Pyung APCTP-200

    Early reionization by decaying particles and cosmic microwave background radiation

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    We study the reionization scenario in which ionizing UV photons emitted from decaying particle, in addition to usual contributions from stars and quasars, ionize the universe. It is found that the scenario is consistent with both the first year data of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and the fact that the universe is not fully ionized until z \sim 6 as observed by Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Likelihood analysis revealed that rather broad parameter space can be chosen. This scenario will be discriminated by future observations, especially by the EE polarization power spectrum of cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, fig 2, table 1, and some typos are correcte

    Gravitational lensing as a contaminant of the gravity wave signal in CMB

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    Gravity waves (GW) in the early universe generate B-type polarization in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which can be used as a direct way to measure the energy scale of inflation. Gravitational lensing contaminates the GW signal by converting the dominant E polarization into B polarization. By reconstructing the lensing potential from CMB itself one can decontaminate the B mode induced by lensing. We present results of numerical simulations of B mode delensing using quadratic and iterative maximum-likelihood lensing reconstruction methods as a function of detector noise and beam. In our simulations we find the quadratic method can reduce the lensing B noise power by up to a factor of 7, close to the no noise limit. In contrast, the iterative method shows significant improvements even at the lowest noise levels we tested. We demonstrate explicitly that with this method at least a factor of 40 noise power reduction in lensing induced B power is possible, suggesting that T/S=10^-6 may be achievable in the absence of sky cuts, foregrounds, and instrumental systematics. While we do not find any fundamental lower limit due to lensing, we find that for high-sensitivity detectors residual lensing noise dominates over the detector noise.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Power Spectra in Global Defect Theories of Cosmic Structure Formation

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    An efficient technique for computing perturbation power spectra in field ordering theories of cosmic structure formation is introduced, enabling computations to be carried out with unprecedented precision. Large scale simulations are used to measure unequal time correlators of the source stress energy, taking advantage of scaling during matter and radiation domination, and causality, to make optimal use of the available dynamic range. The correlators are then re-expressed in terms of a sum of eigenvector products, a representation which we argue is optimal, enabling the computation of the final power spectra to be performed at high accuracy. Microwave anisotropy and matter perturbation power spectra for global strings, monopoles, textures and non-topological textures are presented and compared with recent observations.Comment: 4 pages, compressed and uuencoded RevTex file and postscript figure

    Mimicking transPlanckian effects in the CMB with conventional physics

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    We investigate the possibility that fields coupled to the inflaton can influence the primordial spectrum of density perturbations through their coherent motion. For example, the second field in hybrid inflation might be oscillating at the beginning of inflation rather than at the minimum of its potential. Although this effect is washed out if inflation lasts long enough, we note that there can be up to 30 e-foldings of inflation prior to horizon crossing of COBE fluctuations while still giving a potentially visible distortion. Such pumping of the inflaton fluctuations by purely conventional physics can resemble transPlanckian effects which have been widely discussed. The distortions which they make to the CMB could leave a distinctive signature which differs from generic effects like tilting of the spectrum.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures; presented at PASCOS 03, TIFR, Mumbai, Indi